Section1 Introduction
Section2 Notation and terminology
Section3 MCTS detail
Section4 summarises main variations MCTS
Section5 enhancements to the tree policy,
Section6 enhancements to Simulations, Backpropagations
Section7 key applications(which MCTS has been applied)
Section8 Summaries
Section 1 Introduce
Section 2 Background
1 | 2.1 Decision Theory: MDPs; POMDPs |
- S: A set of states, with s0 being the initial state.
- A: A set of actions.
- T (s; a; s0): A transition model that determines the probability of reaching state s0 if action a is applied to state s.
- R(s): A reward function.
- O(s; o): An observation model that specifies the probability of perceiving observation o in state s.
2.2、Game Theory
A game may be described by the following components:
1 | • S: The set of states, where s0 is the initial state. |
Combinatorial Games :
Information: 部分可观察还是全部
In real game:
Expectimax 期望值将极大极小推广到随机博弈,其中从状态到状态的转换是概率的。
2.3 Monte Carlo Methods
however it is simple to construct degenerate cases in which flat monte carlo fails, as it does not allow for an opponent model
Flat Monte Carlo 适用于对手模型。
2.4 Bandit-Based Methods
Bandit problem 是一个经典的序列决策问题。为了最大限度的累计收益,不断采取最优行动。
也就引申到了exploitation exploration dilemma 开发探索困境:
- 我们需要平衡开发目前被认为是最优的行动,并探索目前看来不太理想但最终可能优于其他行动的行动。
The K-armed bandit problem may be approached using a policy that determines which bandit to play, based on past rewards.
R_n = µ^n - µj \sum{j=1}^{K}E[T_j(n)]
u: 最好的期望回报
$E[T_j(n)] $ : 在第一个 n 次试验中,手臂 j 的预期播放次数。
Lai和Robbins利用较高的置信度指数(upper confidence indices),让政策在计算出某bandit的index后,便可估计其预期回报.
Auer et al. [13] 提出, 任意报酬分布的有限时间后悔对数界。UCB1是其中之一
UCB1 = \widetilde{X_j} + \sqrt[2]{ \frac{2ln n }{n_j }}
$\widetilde{X_j}$ 开发利用(Exploitation):选择利用较高收益的节点
$\sqrt{2lnn/n_j}$ 探索(Exploration):探索较少访问次数的节点
Section 3 vanilla MCTS
- [一个动作的真值可以用随机模拟来近似。](the true value of an action may be approximated using random simulation; )
- [这些值可以有效地用于调整策略,使其符合最佳优先策略。](and that these values may be used efficiently to adjust the policy towards a best-first strategy. )
1 | 3.1 Algorithm |
3.1 Algorithm
computational budge: 迭代建树计算预算,用于决定建树结束,一般达到time,memory,iteration constraint的预设值
Max child: 选择最高奖励的子节点
Robust Child: 选择访问次数最多的child
Max-Robust child: 根据highest visit count和highest reward 都是最大的情况
Secure child: 最大化下限置信值,maximises a lower confidence bound
3.2 Development
3.3 UCT: Algorithm; Convergence to Minimax
UCT = \widetilde{X_j} + 2C_p\sqrt[]{ \frac{2ln n }{n_j }}
1 | n is the number of times the current (parent) node has been visited, |
UCT algorithm
convergence to minimax(收敛到极小极大)
Kocsis和szepesvari[119],[120]的主要贡献是表明,在非平稳报酬分布情况下,ucb 1的遗憾约束仍然有效。
kocsis and szepesvari then show that the failure probability at the ´ root of the tree (i.e. the probability of selecting a suboptimal action) converges to zero at a polynomial rate as the number of games simulated grows to infinity. this proof implies that, given enough time (and memory), uct allows mcts to converge to the minimax tree and is thus optimal.
然后Kocsis和szepesvari表明,树根部的故障概率(选择次最佳动作的概率)即当模拟的游戏数量增长到无限时,以多项式速率收敛到零。这个证明意味着,给定足够的时间(和内存),uct允许mcts收敛到MiniMax Tree,因此是最佳的。
3.4 Characteristics: Aheuristic; Anytime; Asymmetric
Aheuristic 启发式
Anytime 任何时候
Asymmetic 非对称的
3.5 Comparison with Other Algorithms
however, as pointed out by Ramanujan et al. [164], mcts approaches to games such as chess are not as successful as for games such as go.They consider a class of synthetic spaces in which UCT significantly outperforms minimax.
Ramanujan et al. [162]
uct performs poorly in domains with many trap states (states that lead to losses within a small number of moves)
trap states are common in chess but relatively uncommon in go
3.6 Terminology
- Flat Monte Carlo: A Monte Carlo method with uniform move selection and no tree growth.
- Flat UCB: A Monte Carlo method with bandit-based move selection (2.4) but no tree growth.
- MCTS: A Monte Carlo method that builds a tree to inform its policy online.
- UCT: MCTS with any UCB tree selection policy.
- Plain UCT: MCTS with UCB1 as proposed by Kocsis and Szepesvari [119], [120].
Section 4 Variations of MCTS
1 | 4.1 Flat UCB |
4.1 Flat UCB
Coquelin and Munos [68] propose flat UCB
effectively treats the leaves of the search tree as a single multiarmed bandit problem.
in which the actions for a given state are uniformly sampled and no tree is built.
Flat UCB retains the adaptivity of standard uct while improving its regret bounds in certain worst cases where uct is overly optimistic.
Flat UCB 保留了标准UCT的适应性,同时在某些最坏的情况下,在UCT过于乐观的情况下,改进了它的后悔范围。
4.2 Bandit Algorithm for Smooth Trees
Apply Bandit Algorithm for Smooth Trees (BAST)
which uses assumptions on the smoothness of rewards to identify and ignore branches that are suboptimal with high confidence
they applied bast to lipschitz function approximation and showed that when allowed to run for infinite time, the only branches that are expanded indefinitely are the optimal branches.
this is in contrast to plain uct, which expands all branches indefinitely
这与无限期扩展所有分支的plain UCT形成鲜明对比。
4.3 Learning in MCTS: TDL; TDMC(λ); BAAL
MCTS can be seen as a type of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm
relationship with temporal difference learning (TD_Learning 标准的增强学习算法)
4.3.1 TDL
TD & MCTS | |
相同点 | base on value of state or state-action pair |
不同点 | 1. TDL算法通常不构建树,只有当所有状态值都可以直接存储在表中时,这种等价性才成立(两只一致); 2. mcts estimates temporary state values in order to decide the next move, whereas TDL learns the long-term value of each state that then guides future behaviour MCTS估计临时状态值以决定下一步,而TDL则了解每个状态的长期值,然后指导未来的行为。 3. tdl can learn heuristic value functions to inform the tree policy or the simulation (playout) policy TDL可以学习启发式值函数来通知树策略或模拟(播放)策略。 |
4.3.2 TDMC(λ)
“a new method of reinforcement learning using winning probability as substitute rewards in non-terminal positions”
一个新的增强学习方法,: 非终端位置的基于胜率的替代奖励算法
report superior performance over standard TD learning for the board game Othello .
4.3.3 BAAL(Bandit-Based Active Learner )
Active Learning主动学习
progressive widening (5.5.1) is employed to limit the degree of exploration by ucb1 to give promising empirical results
采用渐进式加宽(5.5.1)来限制ucb 1的勘探程度,从而给出了有希望的经验结果。
4.4 Single-Player MCTS, FUSE
4.4.1 SP-MCTS
Single-Player Monte Carlo Tree Search (SP-MCTS),
\sqrt{\sigma^2 + \frac{D}{n_i}}
where $σ_2$ is the variance of the node’s simulation results,
$n_i$ is the number of visits to the node, and D is a constant
$D/n_i$ term can be seen as artificially inflating the standard deviation for infrequently visited nodes
$D/n_i$ 术语可以被看作是人为地增大了很少访问的节点的标准差。
4.4.2 FUSE (Feature UCT Selection )
here, the problem of choosing a subset of the available features is cast as a single-player game whose states are all possible subsets of features and whose actions consist of choosing a feature and adding it to the subset.
FUSE uses UCB1-Tuned (5.1.1) and RAVE (5.3.5)
4.5 Multi-player MCTS: Coalition Reduction
the simplest way to apply mcts to multi-player games is to adopt the $max^n$ idea:
each node stores a vector of rewards, and the selection procedure seeks to maximise the UCB value calculated using the appropriate component of the reward vector.
Paranoid UCT(偏执UCT):
- player认为所有其他球员都在联合对抗他。
UCT with Allinances:
- 将联盟显式地提供给算法。
Confident UCT:
independent searches are conducted for each possible coalition of the searching player with one other player, and the move chosen according to whichever of these coalitions appears most favourable.
Coalition Reduction
4.6 Multi-agent MCTS: Ensemble UCT
Ensemble UCT
fern and lewis [82] investigate an ensemble uct approach, in which multiple instances of uct are run independently and their root statistics combined to yield the final result. this approach is closely related to root parallelisation (6.3.2) and also to determinization (4.8.1).
chaslot et al. [59] provide some evidence that, for go, ensemble uct with n instances of m iterations each outperforms plain uct with mn iterations, i.e. that ensemble uct outperforms plain uct given the same total number of iterations.
4.7 Real-time MCTS
the largest class of real-time games are video games, which – in addition to the real-time element – are usually also characterised by uncertainty (4.8), massive branching factors, simultaneous moves (4.8.10) and open-endedness.
simulation-based (anytime) algorithms such as mcts are well suited to domains in which time per move is strictly limited
例如: Tron, PacMan, a variety of real-time strategy games skin, Starcraft
4.8 Nondeterministic MCTS: Determinization; HOP; Sparse UCT; ISUCT; Multiple MCTS; UCT+; MCαβ; MCCFR; Modelling; Simultaneous Moves
Traditional game Ai search 通常专注于确定性,完备信息游戏;没有chance events, 游戏状态对所有玩家全部可见。
以下算法,用于处理 stochasticity(chance events), imperfect information(Partial observability of states)
Opponent modelling (对手建模)在不完全信息博弈中比完全信息博弈更重要。
4.8.1 Determinization;
4.8.2 HOP(Hindsight optimisation );
provides a more formal basis to determinization for single-player stochastic games of perfect information.
the idea is to obtain an upper bound on the expected reward for each move by assuming the ability to optimise one’s subsequent strategy with “hindsight” knowledge of future chance outcomes.
4.8.3 Sparse UCT;
late random guessing significantly outperforms early probabilistic guessing
4.8.4 ISUCT;
Information Set UCT (ISUCT)
Strategy fusion 策略融合是确定技术的一个问题,它涉及到错误的假设,不同的移动可以从相同的信息集中的不同状态选择。
To address the problem of strategy fusion in determinized UCT , Whitehouse et al. [230] propose information set UCT (ISUCT)
All information sets are from the point of view of the root player. Each iteration samples a determinization (a state from the root information set) and restricts selection, expansion and simulation to those parts of the tree compatible with the determinization.
4.8.5 Multiple MCTS(MMCTS )
multiple trees are searched simultaneously(同时搜索多棵树)
MMCTS uses EXP3 (5.1.3) for selection.
specifically, there is a tree for each player, and the search descends and updates all of these trees simultaneously, using statistics in the tree for the relevant player at each stage of selection.
This more accurately models the differences in information available to each player than searching a single tree.
4.8.6 UCT+;
opponent decision nodes are treated as chance nodes with probabilities determined by an opponent model.(对手决策节点被视为机会节点,其概率由对手模型决定。)
\overline{X_j} + c\sigma_{\overline{X_j}}
$\overline{X_j}$ average reward form action j
$\sigma_{\overline{X_j}}$ standard error on $\overline{X_j}$
c constant
values are updated according to their children; at opponent nodes and chance nodes, the calculations are weighted by the probabilities of the actions leading to each child.
node值根据他们的子节点;在opponent 和change node, calculations are weighted by probability
4.8.7 MCαβ(Monte Carlo α-β)
default policy 被替换为 shallow α-β search
an obvious consideration in choosing mcαβ for a domain is that a reliable heuristic function must be known in order to drive the α-β component of the search, which ties the implementation closely with the domain
4.8.8 MCCFR;
4.8.9 Inference and Opponent Modelling;
in a game of imperfect information, it is often possible to infer hidden information from opponent actions, such as learning opponent policies directly using Bayesian inference and relational probability tree learning
opponent 有两个部分:
a prior model of a general opponent (一般对手的先验模型)
a corrective function for the specific opponent(针对特定对手的纠正功能)
when the mcts selection phase reaches an opponent decision node, it uses the mixed policy induced by the opponent model instead of bandit-based selection.
当MCTS选择阶段到达对手决策节点时,它使用由对手模型诱导的混合策略而不是基于 bandit-based的选择。
4.8.10 Simultaneous Moves(同时移动)
simultaneous moves can be considered a special case of hidden information: one player chooses a move but conceals it, then the other player chooses a move and both are revealed.
4.9 Recursive Approaches: Reflexive MC; Nested MC;NRPA; Meta-MCTS; HGSTS
4.9.1 Reflexive MC;
4.9.2 Nested MC (NMCS)
Rimmel et al. [168] apply a version of nested Monte Carlo search to the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) with time windows (7.8.1).
4.9.3 NRPA(Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation )
extension of nested monte carlo search in which a domain-specific policy is associated with the action leading to each child[176]
NRPA has achieved superior results in puzzle optimisation tasks, including beating the human world record for morpion solitaire (7.4).
4.9.4 Meta-MCTS
chaslot et al. [56] replace the default policy with a nested mcts program that plays a simulated sub-game in their meta-mcts algorithm. they describe two versions of meta-mcts: quasi best-first (which favours exploitation) and beta distribution sampling (which favours exploration). both variants improved the playing strength of the program mogo for 9 × 9 go when used for generating opening books.
Chaslot等人[56]将Defaulf policy替换为嵌套的MCTS程序,该程序在其元MCT算法中扮演模拟子游戏。他们描述了Meta-MCT的两个版本:准最佳优先(有利于开发)和β分布抽样(有利于勘探)。两种变体都提高了9×9 Go程序的播放强度,用于生成打开的书籍。
4.9.5 HGSTS(Heuristically Guided Swarm Tree Search 启发式引导的群树搜索)
4.10 Sample-Based Planners: FSSS; TAG; RRTs; UNLEO; UCTSAT; ρUCT; MRW; MHSP
4.10.1 FSSS (Forward Search Sparse Sampling )
how to replace known policies with sample-based planners in concert with sampleefficient learners in a method called forward search sparse sampling (fsss)
Bayesian FSSS (BFS3)
4.10.2 TAG (Threshold Ascent for Graphs )
extends the mcts paradigm by maximizing an objective function over the sinks of directed acyclic graphs
the algorithm evaluates nodes through random simulation and grows the subgraph in the most promising directions by considering local maximum k-armed bandits. tag has demonstrated superior performance over standard optimisation methods for automatic performance tuning using dft and fft linear transforms in adaptive libraries.
4.10.3 RRTs (Rapidly-exploring Random Trees )快速探索随机树
a special case of Rapidly-exploring Dense Trees (RTDs)
4.10.4 UNLEO
UNLEO is based on the No Free Lunch (NFL) and Continuous Free Lunch (CFL)
4.10.5 UCTSAT
Previti et al. [160] introduce the UCTSAT class of algorithms to investigate the application of UCT approaches to the satisfiability of conjunctive normal form (CNF) problems (7.8.2).
Previti等人[160]引入UCTSAT 类算法,研究UCT方法应用于联合范式(CNF)可满足性问题(7.8.2)。
UCTSAT_cp generates a random assignment of variables for each playout.
UCTSAT_sbs assigns variables one-by-one with random legal (satisfying) values.
UCTSAT_h replaces playouts with a simple heuristic based on the fraction of satisfied clauses.
在UCSATH中,基于the fraction of satisfied clauses,用简单的启发式代替playout。
4.10.6 ρUCT
a generalisation of UCT that approximates a finite horizon expectimax operation given an environment model ρ.
ρUCT builds a sparse search tree composed of interleaved decision and chance nodes to extend UCT to a wider class of problem domains.
4.10.7 MRW(Monte Carlo Random Walks )
Monte Carlo Random Walks (MRW) selectively build the search tree using random walks [238]
Xie et al. describe the Monte Carlo Random Walk-based Local Tree Search (MRW-LTS) method which extends MCRW to concentrate on local search more than standard MCTS methods, allowing good performance in some difficult planning problems [238].
4.10.8 MHSP (Mean-based Heuristic Search for Anytime Planning )
Section 5 Tree policy enhancements
1 | 5.1 Bandit-Based: UCB1-Tuned; Bayesian UCT; EXP3; HOOT; Other |
Domain Independent :
- 这些增强可以应用于任何领域,而无需事先了解它。
- 它们通常提供一些小的改进,或者更适合于特定类型的域。
Domain dependent :
- 这些都是针对特定域的增强。这种增强可能使用有关域的先验知识,或者以其他方式利用域的某些独特方面。
5.1 Bandit-Based: UCB1-Tuned; Bayesian UCT; EXP3; HOOT; Other
5.1.1 UCB1-Tuned;
\sqrt{\frac{\ln n}{n_j} \min{\frac14, V_j(n_j)}} \
V_j(s) = (1/2\sum_{\tau=1}^{s}X_{j, \tau}^2) - {\overline{X}}
^2_{j,s} + \sqrt{\frac{2\ln t}{s}}
$V_j(s)$ 表示 machine j, 在第t次访问轮次中,被选择了s次,方差是大多数样本的方差加 $\sqrt{2\ln t /s}$
5.1.2 Bayesian UCT;
Bayesian Framework potentially 允许从有限的模拟试验中更准确地估计节点值和节点不确定性。
两种Byesian MCTS 形式:
maximise B_i = µ_i + \sqrt{2 \ln n /n_i } \
maximise B_i = µ_i + \sqrt{ \frac{2 \ln n}{n_i}} σ_i
$µ_i $ 用极值(极小极大)分布Pi(假设独立随机变量)的平均值替换average reward
$σ_i$ is Pi 方差的平方根
first equation is a strict improvement over UCT if the independence assumption and leaf node priors are correct
second equation is motivated by the central limit theorem
5.1.3 EXP3;
Exploration-exploitation with exponential weights(具有指数权重的勘探开发)
The EXP3 policy operates as follows:
- Draw an arm It from the probability distribution pt 从概率分布上选一条手臂
- Compute the estimated gain for each arm. 计算每个臂的估计增益
- Update the cumulative gain. 更新累积收益
5.1.4 HOOT;(Hierarchical Optimistic Optimisation for Trees )
Hierarchical Optimistic Optimisation (HOO) algorithm :
- a generalisation of stochastic bandits [32], [33], [34] 随机赌博问题概括
- Hoo构成了一个手臂选择政策,与以前的结果相比,针对大分类问题,具有改进的后悔界限。
The approach is similar to UCT, except that using HOO for action selection allows the algorithm to overcome the discrete action limitation of UCT.
5.1.5 Other
UCB-V, PAC-UCB, Gaussian UCB, Meta-Bandits, Hierarchical Bandits, UCB(α),
and so on. See also the bandit-based active learner (4.3.3).
5.2 Selection:
5.2.1 FPU;
First Play Urgency
5.2.2 Decisive Moves;
决定性、反对决定性的行动(Decisive and Anti-Decisive Moves )
Havannah. here, a decisive move is one that leads immediately to a win, and an anti-decisive move is one that prevents the opponent from making a decisive move on their next turn.
Policy: 如果任一玩家有决定性的移动,那么就使用它;否则,恢复到标准策略。
5.2.3 Move Groups;
在一些游戏中,分支因素太大,但是很多又很相似(eg: Texas, GO ),MCTS需要很多次的模拟去区分这些高度相关性的Reward,降低分支因子以允许利用相关操作的一种方法是使用移动组。
这将创建一个额外的决策层,在该层中,所有可能的操作都被收集到组中,并且使用ucb 1来选择要从哪个组中选择移动。
5.2.4 Transpositions;
mcts naturally builds a search tree, but in many cases the underlying games can be represented as directed acyclic graphs (dags), since similar states can be reached through different sequences of move.
hence extra information can be extracted from each simulation by storing the statistics for each edge in the dag and looking these up during action selection.
MCTS appear identical state/action pair > transposition
5.2.5 Progressive Bias;
渐进偏倚: adding domain specific heuristic knowledge to MCTS
new term added to MCTS selection formula of the form:
f(n_j) = \frac{H_i}{n_j + 1}
$H_i$: heuristic value Hi
$n_i$ : node of index has been visited ni times
- 随着对此节点的访问次数的增加,对此节点的影响也随之减小。
5.2.6 Opening Books;
5.2.7 MCPG; (Monte Carlo Paraphrase Generation )
monte carlo paraphrase generation (mcpg) is similar to plain uct except that the maximum reachable score for each state is used for selection rather than the (average) score expectation for that state
application in 自然语言语句的产生
5.2.8 Search Seeding;
seeding or “warming up” the search tree involves initialising the statistics at each node according to some heuristic knowledge.
seeding或“warming up”搜索树包括根据一些启发式知识在每个节点初始化统计信息。
有点类似NN或其他方法得到a function approximation, 从而可以得到启发式的statistical
5.2.9 Parameter Tuning;
given a large set of enhancement parameters there are several approaches to finding optimal values, or improving hand-tuned values
Cross-Entropy Method to fine tune parameters for the Go playing program MANGO
Cross Entropy Methods were also used in combination with hand-tuning 【MOGO 】
neural networks have been used to tune the parameters of MOGO
dynamic exploration
5.2.10 History Heuristic;
There have been numerous attempts to improve MCTS using information about moves previously played .
being used on two levels :
- Tree-tree level: Using history information to improve action selection in the MCTS tree.
- Tree-playout level: Using history information to improve the simulation policy (6.1)
Tree-tree : 1.grandfather heuristic approach suggested :历史信息用于初始化新节点的操作值估计。(效果一般) 2. 对在动作选择期间计算的bandit得分,更新action的score,无论何时它被选择独立于深度,给予一个重大的改进。
Finnsson [83] describes the benefits of the history heuristic for seeding node values in his world champion general game player CADIAPLAYER (7.5).
5.2.11 Progressive History
combines progressive bias (5.2.5) with the history heuristic by replacing the heuristic value hi in the progressive bias calculation for each node i with that node’s history score, during node selection.
5.3 AMAF: Permutation; α-AMAF Some-First; Cutoff; RAVE; Killer RAVE; RAVE-max; PoolRAVE
ALL Moves as First(AMAF)基本思想是更新在模拟过程中选择的所有操作的统计信息,就好像它们是应用的第一个操作一样。
the amaf algorithm treats all moves played during selection and simulation as if they were played on a previous selection step.
5.3.1 Permutation;
this algorithm is the same as amaf but also updates nodes that can be reached by permutations of moves in the simulation that preserve the eventual state reached [101].
for example, it may be possible to permute the actions played by each player during a simulation and reach an identical terminal position. therefore there may be other leaf nodes in the tree from which the same terminal position could have been reached by playing the same moves but in a different order. permutation amaf would also update these nodes
例如,可以改变每个玩家在模拟期间所玩的动作,并达到相同的终端位置。因此,在树中可能有其他叶节点,可以通过播放相同的动作,但按不同的顺序到达相同的终端位置。permutation AMAF也会更新这些节点。
同一终点,不同history order(同样移动action)上的node, 也会更新。
5.3.2 α-AMAF
the total score for an action is:
\alpha A + (1 - \alpha) U
U: UCT score;
A: AMAF score;
5.3.3 Some-First;
This approach is the same as the standard AMAF algorithm except that the history used to update nodes is truncated after the first m random moves in the simulation stage [101].
If m = 0 then only actions selected in the tree are used to update nodes,
if m is larger than the number of moves in the simulation, this is equivalent to the AMAF algorithm
5.3.4 Cutoff;
in cutoff amaf, the amaf algorithm is used to update statistics for the first k simulations
5.3.5 RAVE;
Rapid Action Value Estimation (RAVE) (快速动作值估计)
it is similar to α-amaf, except that the α value used at each node decreases with each visit. instead of supplying a fixed α value, a fixed positive integer v > 0 is supplied instead.
max{0, \frac{V-v(n)}{V} }
V 表示访问节点的次数。
5.3.6 Killer RAVE;
5.3.7 RAVE-max;
5.3.8 PoolRAVE
which modifies the MCTS simulation step as follows:
- Build a pool of the k best moves according to RAVE.
- Choose one move m from the pool.
- Play m with a probability p, else the default policy
Helmbold and Parker-Wood [101] compare the main
AMAF variants and conclude that:
Random playouts provide more evidence about the goodness of moves made earlier in the playout than moves made later.
AMAF updates are not just a way to quickly initialise counts, they are useful after every playout.
Updates even more aggressive than AMAF can be even more beneficial.
Combined heuristics can be more powerful than individual heuristics.
5.4 Game-Theoretic:
MCTS-Solver; MC-PNS; Score Bounded MCTS
5.5 Pruning:
Absolute; Relative; Domain Knowledge
5.6 Expansion
Section 6 Enhance for simulation, backpropagation
1 | 6.1 Simulation: Rule-Based; Contextual; Fill the Board; Learning; MAST; PAST; FAST; History Heuristics; Evaluation; Balancing; Last Good Reply; Patterns |
Section 7 Applications
1 | 7.1 Go: Evaluation; Agents; Approaches; Domain Knowledge; Variants; Future Work |
Section 8 Summary
1 | Impact; Strengths; Weaknesses; Research Directions |
in section 8, we summarise the paper to give a snapshot of the state of the art in MCTS research, the strengths and weaknesses of the approach, and open questions for future research.