2020 AI Review _ A Year of Amazing Papers _ The future of AI
[1] YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection
[2] DeepFAceDrawing
[3] Learning to simulate Dynamic Enviroments with GameGAN
4[] PULSE: self-supervised photo upsamling via latent space exploration of Generative Models
5 Unsupervised Translate of program
7 High-resolution nerual face Wrapping of visual Effiects
8 Swapping autoencoder for Deep image Manipulation
9 GPT-3: language models are few-short learning
10 Learning joint spatial-temporal transform for video impating (隐身术)
11 Image GPT-Generative Pretraining from Pixers
12 Learning to cartoonize using White-box cartoon representations
13 FreezeG: freeze the discriminator : a simple baseline for fine-tuning GANs
14 Neral re-redner of human from a Singal Image
15 I2L-MeshNet: Image-to-Lixel Predication Network for Accurate 3D human Pose and Mesh Estimation from a Singal RGB Image
16 Beyond the Nav-Graph: vision-and-language Navigation in Continuous Environments
17 RAFT: recurrent ALL-Pairs Field Transforms for Optial Flow
18 Crowdsampling the Plenoptic Function
19 Old Photo Restore via Deep Latent Space Translation
20 Neural circuit policies enabling auditable autonomy
21 Lifespan Age transformation Synthesis
- 生成人脸的照片,从小孩–中年–老年
22 DeOldify
23 COOT : Cooperative Hierarchical Transformer for Video-text representation Learning
24 Stylized Neural Painting (图转绘画)
25 Is a Green Screen Really Necessary for real-time Portrait Matting
26 ADA. Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Limited Data
27 Improving data-driven Global weather predication using deep convolutional neural networks on a cubed Sphere
28 BeRV: Neural Reflectance and visibility fields for relighting and view Synthesis